Sunday, 5 May 2013

Baydogs Don't Pick Their Poison, Poison Picks The Baydogs!

After what was a strange weather week (sideways snowstorm during speed work the last Wednesday of April), the Pick Your Poison trail running race held annually at Horseshoe Valley would prove to be...interesting. With snow still on the trail and sloppy/muddy conditions, a few Baydogs were not afraid to get dirty to show their trail running prowess!

Pick Your Poison is a local trail running race that offers 3 different distances: 12.5km, 25km, and for the Ultra enthusiasts, 50km of trail running up and down one of Georgian Bays leading ski resorts!

6 Baydogs competed last Saturday April 27th:

Genevieve Blais 12.5km @ 1:52:29

Shaun Patton 25km @ 2:21:29
Greg Cormack 25km @ 2:27:03
Brenda East 25km @ 2:43:50
Dr. Frank Astri 25km @ 2:59:25

And a special shoutout to trail running enthusiast Nathan Brooks, who completed the 50km, 4-lap course in a time of 5:28, accomplishing his goal of completing the 50km race in under 5hr 30min! Way to go Nate!!

This is a fun race that will really test your meddle, and get you ready for the spring marathon season, and local triathlons that can be quite hilly! Way to go Baydogs!!!!

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